Home / Appalachian Harvest Food Boxes
Appalachian Harvest Food Boxes
2024 Year-To-Date Distributions

Our goal is to purchase from growers and producers within 150 miles of our Appalachian Harvest Food Hub in Duffield, VA. This helps ensure the food’s freshness and also reduces logistics’ costs. As you can imagine, though, it’s hard to source fresh-from-the-farm food during the winter months. In those instances, we stick to a 400-mile sourcing radius.
Standard Box Contents
- Seasonal fruits and vegetables
- 1/2 gallon of milk
- Ground beef
Each box weighs about 25-30 pounds, is designed to provide about eight meals when supplemented with other dry good items, and saves the recipient about $50 per week/$200 per month on groceries.
Plus, every box supports local farmers and producers, provides jobs for our workforce development program, and boosts our local economies.
If you have questions, please contact our Food Box program coordinator Paul Stacy at pstacy@asdevelop.org.
We work with about 40 partners, consisting of food pantries, food banks, and civic organizations throughout Southwest Virginia, who receive a select number of the Appalachian Harvest Food Boxes on a set schedule then distribute them in their communities. Each of these outlets has different requirements and different dates for distribution. If you would like to receive a food box from one of them, we recommend that you reach out in advance.
If you have questions, please contact our Food Box program coordinator Paul Stacy at pstacy@asdevelop.org.
Duffield, VA weekly Distribution
We also distribute approximately 300 Appalachian Harvest Food Boxes each Friday from our Appalachian Harvest Food Hub. There is no need to provide any information or fill out any paperwork, and there’s no requirements about what county or state you live in. If you need food and can make it to the food hub as outlined below, we will give you a food box.
- Pickup date: Every Friday but please note, there are some occasional exceptions (holidays, etc.). We post updates every Thursday on our Facebook page. Please follow us to make sure you stay up to date.
- Pickup time: 10:00 am -12:00 pm. We often run out sooner, so come early.
- Address: Appalachian Harvest Food Hub, 280 Boone Trail Rd, Duffield, VA.
- Details: Pull into the car line, stay in your car, and we will load your box.
Our Appalachian Harvest warehouse staff is simply amazing. Every day, they unbox, re-box, lift, stack, wrap, and load hundreds of boxes of fresh, local food bound for delivery to grocers, school cafeterias, food pantries, and individuals. And they do it all with a smile! That’s because it feels wonderful to support our Appalachian communities.
One of the unique aspects about the warehouse is that it’s a training site for our Groundwork Warehouse Logistics workforce development pathway. That means part of our staff is on board for roughly six months, learning new skills like how to drive a forklift, grade vegetables, handle food safely, manage inventory, and more. To learn more about these paid, on-the-job training opportunities, visit our Groundwork page.
If you have questions, please contact our Food Box program coordinator Paul Stacy at pstacy@asdevelop.org.
We’ve made a few recipe and cooking videos to highlight meals you can make using mostly just the items from your food boxes. More will be added later!